Speaker Series
Speaker Series
Michele-Elise Burnett, Métis MNO Citizen with Algonquin roots—Bear Clan, is a creator to her core. She is a strong proponent of Indigenous aspirations and works toward a dream to unite, share, and respect each other’s diverse Nations. Michele-Elise aims to, in everything she does—build a stronger Indigenous future filled with pride, dignity, and honour that will carry on for seven generations.
From a very young age, Michele-Elise has had a deep-rooted passion for community, creative-expression and learning that comes from her desire to strengthen and deepen the collective voice of her community. Through Michele-Elise’s involvement in many initiatives that foster unity, peace and pride of Indigenous culture she has been able to effect change and provide a voice for her community at the table.
Speaking Topics
Thinking Outside the Box...and Inside the Two Row - Integrating Indigenous Culture as an Agent for Change
The Truths of Indigenous History and the Challenging Present
Peeling back 13 thousand years of Indigenous existence in the Niagara Region
Please contact us to discuss speaker fees.